Best Toe Splints for Post-Surgery Bunions

Best Toe Splints for Post-Surgery BunionsBunions are an incredibly painful and unsightly problem that sometimes requires surgery to fix. If you have bunions, you know that surgery is often a last resort because it’s painful, the recovery can be long, and bunions sometimes return afterwards.

To help the foot heal after bunion surgery, you will need to follow strict guidelines for recovery and physical therapy. One method to help your feet recover, and to prevent further damage, is to keep the foot in a splint of some kind. This ensures your bones and tendons will heal properly during the recovery period. Splints also help you manage pain and sleep better at night, which is vital to the healing process.

There are many products on the market aimed at preventing bunions, but not many that are appropriate to use after surgery. So we did some digging around to find the best products out there you can use post bunion surgery to keep your feet as protected and healthy as possible while they heal.

#1) Dr. Frederick’s Original Gel Pad Bunion Sleeves

If you had minor bunion surgery, you probably won’t need a lot of padding or hard splints. However, it is a good idea to have some kind of extra support and padding once you start walking around in regular shoes again. Even if you have major surgery, you will probably need some kind of light padding toward the end of the healing process.


Dr. Frederick’s created a bunion sleeve that fits comfortably over the foot, and pads the bunion area to protect it while wearing shoes. The sleeve has a gel pad directly over the bunion area to reduce pain and friction, and it’s made of a very thin, stretchy material that will be comfortable on most sizes of feet. Dr. Frederick’s made these pads to be worn both pre and post-surgery, so you can continue wearing it long after your surgery to keep your bunions from re-forming too!

Things We Liked

  • Comfortable fit
  • Light gel padding
  • Fits comfortably in shoes
  • Comes in 2 sizes

Things We Didn't Like

    • Padding too light for major surgery
    • May rub & cause blisters when distance running or working out a lot

    #2) Yosoo Health Gear Bunion Corrector Splint

    If you are looking for a splint to wear overnight, I think this is one of the best options out there. It works more like a wrap, so you can adjust it to your foot to be comfortable while sleeping. There is an aluminum bar on the side of the toe to keep it in place, and the wrap is thick enough to prevent your toes from slipping around while you sleep.

    I think this is a great middle-ground splint in terms of how rigid it is. It’s not as firm as a hard splint or cast, but provides a lot more support than a padded sleeve. You can’t wear shoes with it, and it’s not meant for walking outdoors like a boot, but it’s a great splint to wear to bed or around the house. It is also a good option to wear overnight long after the surgery to prevent future problems.

    Things We Liked

    • Adjustable to fit most feet
    • Medium support
    • Wearable overnight

    Things We Didn't Like

      • Can’t wear under shoes
      • May slip off overnight
      • Most expensive option

      #3) Flyen Bunion Corrector & Bunion Relief Protector Sleeves Kit

      When searching for post-surgery recovery options for bunions, this kit kept popping up again and again. It contains a sleeve similar to the Dr. Frederick’s version, 2 sets of gel bunion protectors, and a toe strap to help strengthen your toes post-recovery.


      This is a great kit that will get you through all the stages of recovery, and includes things you can use long after surgery to keep your feet in good shape. I especially like that it comes with the strap you can use to do exercises post-recovery to keep your muscles around the toes strong, and stretch out the tendons.

      Things We Liked

      • Great instructions for all pieces
      • 7-piece kit includes everything you need to recover from surgery

      Things We Didn't Like

        • May contain things you don’t need
        • Not for severe bunion surgery
        • All pieces fit easily inside shoes
        • Good for pre and post surgery

        #4) Alayna Bunion Corrector and Bunion Splint

        If you are looking for a more traditional-looking hard splint, Alayna makes a great one that you can use during your post-surgery recovery. It is a hard splint that fits on the side of your foot to keep it aligned properly. The splint has straps around the middle of the foot and around the toe, so it will work for any size shoe.

        I also really like this splint because it has a hinge where your foot would naturally bend, which means you can easily wear this under shoes without losing your mobility. This is a splint I would recommend later on in the healing process, when you are able to move the foot more naturally. It’s a little bulky, but it will offer more rigid support and alignment than most other products!

        Things We Liked

        • Rigid support
        • Adjust to fit all sizes of feet
        • Hinged splint allows movement
        • Fits inside most shoes

        Things We Didn't Like

          • Might be too bulky for some shoes
          • Not for right after surgery; allows too much movement
          • No instructions included

          Best Toe Splints for Post-Surgery Bunions

          Dr. Frederick’s

          Yosoo Health Gear




          Dr. Frederick's Original Gel Pad Bunion Sleeves
          Yosoo Health Gear Bunion Corrector Splint
          Flyen Bunion Corrector & Bunion Relief Protector Sleeves Kit
          Alayna Bunion Corrector and Bunion Splint




          $19.99/7-piece kit



          Padded sleeve

          Splint & Wrap

          Padded sleeve; 2 pairs gel pads; exercise strap

          Traditional Splint

          Sizes Available

          Small & Large

          One Size

          One Size

          One Size







          After having bunion surgery, the recovery process can be long and painful. However, there are several products out there to help you get your feet back to normal, and keep your feet in good shape for years to come.

          Using toe splints throughout your recovery helps manage pain, keeps toes in the proper place, helps you sleep better at night, and prevents bunions from returning. Whether you have a minor or major surgery, using the products I talked about today can help!

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